Thanks to those who took the time to attend the Midwest Annual Conference this past weekend. WHAT A TURN OUT! Over 160 member in attendance!
If you did not attend the training, presentation slides are available on the website under Training Documents. This can be found by clicking the “More” tab on the top righthand side of the page. This information is for Midwest Members only so you will have to request to become a member. I am watching this closely so I can typically have you added within a day.
Special thanks to Gene and Charlie at Panel Armor for their presentations. Their products are now available for distribution within Midwest. They have also provided Midwest Members with a group discount. This can be entered when creating your account with them below.
Use “MWR” in the group code to see Midwest member pricing.
You can also see demonstrations of their products on their website or on the
If you want to discuss what your options are please give Charlie a call. 407-342-3296
Also special thanks to EZ-Route and Profit Team Consulting for their presentations as well
Thanks again and if you need help with any of this please let me know,
Alex Bechstein
Director of Market Development
Midwest Automotive Trucking
Cell: 419-295-8511